Recognizing that a LIMS is a long-term investment critical to maintaining efficient laboratory processes, Wavefront Software places a strong emphasis on providing reliable and comprehensive ongoing customer support. As part of every annual agreement, Wavefront includes a dedicated support contract that grants you access to a customer support portal. This portal serves as a centralized hub for submitting tickets to report any issues or inquiries you may encounter. Your tickets are promptly reviewed and addressed by knowledgeable Wavefront employees, ensuring you receive personalized attention from subject matter experts, rather than a generic call center. Additionally, the support portal houses an extensive library of articles and videos, empowering you to explore solutions, troubleshoot common queries, and expand your understanding of the LIMS capabilities. At Wavefront, we understand the critical role a LIMS plays in your laboratory operations and strive to provide seamless support throughout the lifetime of your investment.
By Ashley Carter|2024-05-10T14:53:57-04:00February 28th, 2016|Implementation, Management, Technical|0 Comments
About the Author: Ashley Carter

Ashley Carter is the Sales and Marketing Operations Manager at Wavefront Software, leveraging her experience in sales and project management honed over several years with the company. Before joining Wavefront, Ashley spearheaded the implementation of Wavefront LIMS at an advanced materials laboratory while serving as a technical quality engineer. With dual master's degrees in Metallurgical and Mineral Process Engineering, along with Engineering Management, Ashley brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic acumen to her role, ensuring seamless integration of technology and business objectives in the laboratory industry.
In her spare time, Ashley enjoys traveling all over the world, reading almost all genres of books, and playing with her dog, Everest.
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