
These Frequently Asked Questions include information about the management of Wavefront LIMS. Review some common questions about how a user can manage process flows and track work being logged in and completed. These FAQ’s may include helpful tips or descriptions about how Wavefront LIMS can be managed by your laboratory.

Do I need IT Support to Implement Wavefront LIMS?

When determining the need for IT involvement during a LIMS implementation, two primary considerations are maintenance and hosting. Wavefront LIMS is designed with a user-friendly approach, enabling everyday system maintenance tasks such as creating tests, adding new fields, and setting up basic automation to be performed by laboratory users without requiring software engineering knowledge or

By |2025-01-29T14:14:18-05:00August 28th, 2023|, , , |Comments Off on Do I need IT Support to Implement Wavefront LIMS?

Does my laboratory need a LIMS?

Determining the need for a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is a crucial first step in a laboratory's digital transformation journey. At its core, a LIMS solution helps laboratories maintain organization, ensure accurate and repeatable testing processes, and streamline operations. If your current system relies heavily on manual methods like Excel spreadsheets and individual recall,

By |2024-05-10T14:46:13-04:00February 28th, 2016||0 Comments

What’s the cost of a LIMS?

The cost of a LIMS solution can vary significantly, primarily driven by the features and complexity of the system, as well as the pricing model adopted by the LIMS provider. Some providers follow a "one-size-fits-all" approach, which may result in laboratories paying for features they may not necessarily require. At Wavefront Software, we understand that

By |2024-05-10T14:48:06-04:00February 28th, 2016|, |0 Comments

How does Wavefront support my LIMS?

Recognizing that a LIMS is a long-term investment critical to maintaining efficient laboratory processes, Wavefront Software places a strong emphasis on providing reliable and comprehensive ongoing customer support. As part of every annual agreement, Wavefront includes a dedicated support contract that grants you access to a customer support portal. This portal serves as a centralized

By |2024-05-10T14:53:57-04:00February 28th, 2016|, , |0 Comments
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